Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:

About six and a half hours after Eagle landed, its hatch (1) _______ and the Apollo 11 commander backed slowly out to its little porch. On the (2) _______ he paused, pulled a lanyard, and thus deployed the MESA, or modularized equipment stowage assembly, just to the left of the ladder. As the MESA lowered into (3) _______ with its load of equipment for lunar prospecting, a seven-pound Westinghouse TV camera mounted atop the load began shooting black-and-white (4) _______. Fuzzy and scored with lines, the pictures nonetheless held earthlings spellbound.
No one who sat that July night welded to his TV screen will ever forget the (5) _______ of that ghostly foot groping slowly past the ladder to Eagle's footpad, and then stepping tentatively (6) _______ the virgin soil. Man had made his first footprint on the moon. Neil Armstrong (7) _______ into his microphone. And in less than two seconds the message that will live in the annals of exploration flew with the (8) _______ of radio to the huge telescope dish at Honeysuckle Creek, near Canberra, Australia, thence to the Comsat (9) _______ over the Pacific, then to the switching center at the Goddard Space Flight Center outside Washington, D.C., and finally to Houston and the (10) _______ of the world: “That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”"

6. and then stepping tentatively (6) _______ the virgin soil.

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