Choose the best answer: 
(0)_______ you know that on (1)_______ we take home 150 plastic bags annually? In other words, that means a global figure of one million plastic bags taken home every minute. We are sure you'll agree this is a truly shocking statistic.

Plastic bags can not be simply (2) _______ along with your domestic rubbish - they can blow off landfill sites and become highly visible litter (3)_______ can remain in the environment for a number of years. They are not only an eyesore but they are a (4) _______to the environment too. For example, plastic bags almost dammed the Buriganga river in Bangladesh, and they are widely held responsible for causing devastating floods there on two separate (5)_______ .

They also (6)_______ a particular threat to wildlife. More and more (7)_______ dead turtles and whales are discovered washed up on beaches, killed by swallowing plastic bags. To marine life, a plastic bag closely (8)_______ jellyfish.

These are the (9)_______ why you should reuse plastic bags you already have or take a small rucksack on trips to the supermarket. Why not take (10)_______ now and show how much you care about the environment by taking this small step!


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