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It is now extremely popular to take a gap year between school and university or university and work, and tospend it travelling. There are plenty of reasons to recommend it - travel (1) ______ the mind, you‟re only youngonce,lifeisn't a rehearsal and so on.And if you don't do it, you may always regret that you didn't take the (2) ______. In the end, there's only one response: well, why not? The idea may have its (3) _____ from the 18thcentury. Grand Tour once undertaken by the young, rich and noble, but it the middle classes who have (4) ____ it into something that 200.000 British youngsters do every year. (5) ______ has never been so easy and cheap, with more places open to tourists than ever. Also, the gap year is now (6) ______ by many employers and universities. The States, the Far East and Australia were among the original (7) _______ and although these remain in the (8) ________ five, young explorers are now going (9) _______ farther. The most far-flung comers of the world are (10) _______ in popularity year by year.

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