Choose the best answer:
It is surely more than coincidence that the beginning of a new millennium is being (1)…... by renewed interest in sundials: (2)………used to measure time according to the position of the sun. A hundred years ago, they were a vital time-keeping (3)………, essential for everyone who hopes to keep their clocks working accurately. Then, as clocks and watches became more (4)……….. and reliable, the sundial was relegated to the (5)………….of garden ornament _ a romantic and intriguing ornament, but (6)…………an anachronism, in a brave new technological age. Now the clock has been (7)…………. They are again being taken seriously. David Harber, a sundial maker, believes that their appeal (8)……… their direct link with the planets. He said that when he delivers one, there is a (9)…………..of magic when it starts working. They are still calm, romantic objects that (10)………… of our place in the cosmos

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