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Just like any institution, a family also needs rules. Rules are very important because they keep things in (26)_____. For a family, rules are as necessary as food and clothing. The rules are very important because they remain peace and order in the family. For example, children should respect and listen to their parents. If there are (27) _____ to be made, for examples, it is not only the parents who are going to decide especially if the children are already grown up. It would be better if everybody is involved in making the decision of important matter. Rules are needed to maintain a harmonious relationship (28) _____ family members. Parents are there the pillars of the family and guide children to be responsible and practice good values. Rules teach children to become more responsible and have discipline not only at home but especially outside of the home. When there are rules to follow, children will know (29) _____ they should do or should not do. Rules help to avoid conflict and misunderstanding that may lead to fights and aggression especially among children. Parents should set rules for the children to follow to avoid quarrels and fights. There are times when the children fight over simple matters and this happens if the parents do or not interfere but when parents set the rule and let the children follow, there will be (30) _____ conflicts

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