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Many animals in the wild are suspicious and fearful of human beings. Many animals would take escape instantly (20)_____a human approaches. Man, however, soon discovered that some animals can be tamed or domesticated. Unlike animals in the wild, these animals would (21)_____ man to come close to them. They would even allow their owners to stroke or pet them. In the early times man would domesticate animals by setting traps to catch their young. A young animal is (22) _____ easily domesticated than an adult one. From young,the animal learns to trust and obey its owner. Many different kinds of animals have been domesticated. Some common examples are animals like horses, elephants, chickens and pigs. The dog, which is also (23)_____ as "man's best friend", is one of the first animals to have been domesticated. In England, long ago, the pig was a wild animal. It was a ferocious and aggressive (24)_____which was not easily captured. Yet nowadays, the domesticated pig is no longer the lean and tough than creature it used to be

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