Choose the best answer:
My Favorite TV Programme (1) _____, I must say that I don‘t watch much television . This is because I‘ve always got so (2) _____ other things to do. My two favourite programmes are Hard Rock and Open Air –I try not to (3) _____ them. Hard Rock is on every Friday night from 9 to eleven and usually has the brilliant rock bands playing (4) _____. They interview the bands, (5) _____ talk about music, their future plan and how they started playing. Open air is (6) _____ different –It‘s a magazine programme about the environment. It‘s on every Sunday evening at 7.30. Each week they investigate an issue which is (7) _____ in some way with the environment. L ast week they looked into pollution, and next week they are (8) _____ the presidents of Friends of the Earth. There are a lot of people who watch television every night. There are also many programmes to (9)_____ from that they can always find something interesting . I don‘t know why they do it –I think most T.V is just a (10) _____ of time.

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