Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage below.

"The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax. But many people also take part (1) _____________ voluntary work, especially for charities. 

People spend a lot of their free time in the home, where (2) _______ popular leisure activity is watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often (3)______ programs on video so that they can watch later.

Reading is also a favourite way of spending leisure time. The British ________ (4) a lot of time reading newspapers and magazines.

In the summer gardening is popular. And in winter it is often replaced by “Do-it-yourself”, (5) ________people spend their time improving or repairing their homes. Many people have pets to look after: taking the dog for a daily walk is a regular routine."

5. And in winter it is often replaced by “Do-it-yourself”, (5) ________people spend their time improving or repairing their homes. 

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