Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage:

"“Customs, then, is the great guide of human life,” wrote Scottish (1)…..  David Hume. Knowing the customs of a place is a guide to understanding the soul of that place and its (2)….. . The customs of a nation: how people marry, how families celebrate holidays and other (3)…… , what people eat, how they socialize and have fun (4) ….. many things about their country and their inner thoughts and feelings.
 In Wales, a (5)…… handshake is usual when first being introduced, but is often dispensed with thereafter. When meeting for the first time, a common (6)….. is “How do you do?” or “Pleased to meet you.” On other occasions, “How are you?” may be used. Good friends, (7) ……  young people, use “Hello” and “Hi” to greet each other. Women who are close friends may kiss each(8) ….. once slightly on the cheek; sometimes men also kiss women this way.
 Many women remain seated when being introduced and shaking hands. First (9) …… are widely used. The Welsh enjoy visiting friends and neighbors, and often call without an invitation. If invited for a meal, however, it is (10) ……. impolite to arrive late."

4. how they socialize and have fun (4) ….. many things about their country and their inner thoughts and feelings.

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