In 1977, the United States enacted the Mine safety and Health Act, and since that time the overall number of deaths related to mining accidents (i) _______ decreased. But, unfortunately, in the United States, several coal mine explosions have recently (ii) _______ the lives of several miners and increased this year’s mining- related deaths above of the total number of mining-related deaths recorded last year. The mining industry and the United States government take seriously the safety problems confronting miners. (iii) _______ is being done to help protect the miners is important in the mining industry throughout the world. The United States Congress has recently considered legislation increasing the amount of oxygen miners must have available to them as they work below the earth’s surface because a lack of available oxygen may have caused the death of some of the trapped miners in recent coal mine explosions. When an explosion (iv) _______ in an underground mine and air packs are in short supply or those available to miners are not in working condition, the successful rescue efforts can be crippled even though rescue workers are (v) _______ valiant efforts to save lives.


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