In retrospect, it is believed that the land (i) _______ by Hcrjolfsson was indeed part of North America, and the first European to actually touch its grounds was (ii) _______ other than the Red’s son, Leif Ericsson. (iii) _______ to follow in his father’s footsteps and become as respected as his parents, Leif Ericsson left Greenland (iv) _______  1,000 AD and sailed southwest towards the promised land.

Evidence unearthed at the arehaeological site of L’Anse aux Meadows proves that the Vikings had landed at three points of the eastern American coast, which (v) _______ termed “Markland” or “forest land” in today’s Labrador, “Hcluland” or “slab-land” after Baffin Island’s rocky landscape, and finally “Vinland” or “vine-land”, located either in New England or


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