Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
Being part of a community with long history rooted in agriculture, Vietnamese people  especially those from older generations hold a strong belief for superstition about luck and bad luck. Even though people have become much less superstitious as they were before, some traditions still (1) ____ on until today like people’s habit. Let’s take a closer look at some common food-related superstitions and explore the reasoning behind them.  Regarding what food to avoid before taking an important examination, homophones and the shape of your food comes into (2) ____. These features are the criteria that people use to decide which food is good and what is bad to eat before an important examination. Students are restrained from eating bananas prior to an exam for (3) ____ of failing ‘like sliding on a banana skin’  They are also advised eating squid, which when disturbed, emit a substance that is ‘as black as ink’. The phrase carries the connotation of a black (bad) mark on your test. Eating squash, pumpkin, melon and peanuts was also a (4) ____. The words for pumpkin and melon in Vietnamese mean “stuck” and the word for peanut means to be ‘lost’ or ‘digress’. Duck meat and eggs are associated with bad luck since the shape of an egg resembles the zero number. On the (5) ____, eating any type of beans is considered good before an exam since bean in Vietnamese means the same thing with to ‘pass a test

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