Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
If you want to improve group productivity, it is advisable that you organize competitions that build morale and teamwork skills for all participants, (1) _______ than just a few star performers. For example, if you (2) _______ a competition between sales teams, you can reward all members of the (3) _______ group with a lunch out at a nice restaurant or a group trip. This way, even the lower-performing members of the team have a reason to try as hard as they can to help the team win. In an individual sales contest, a few top salespeople compete with one another for the top prize, (4) _______ everyone else gives up because they know they can’t win. The productivity of (5) _______ top people increases, but the productivity of the rest of the group does not. In a team competition, even the lowestperforming member of the group can help earn the prize, so all team members put in their best effort and the productivity of the entire group goes up

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