Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
Modern technology, in all its various forms, has changed the way we live our lives,  but unfortunately, (1) _______ has not always been for the better. A number of things we used to value highly are gradually disappearing or have disappeared altogether. Take punctuality, for example; before mobile phones, people had to keep their appointments and get to meetings (2) _______ time. Now, it seems, it is perfectly acceptable to send a text five minutes before you are due to meet, telling your friend or colleague not to expect you for another half an hour or so.  The Internet, too, has had a negative effect on our (3) _________. Rudeness seems to be the language of debate on any site which (4) ________ users to give their opinions. Anonymity makes it easier for people to insult anyone that has views which are different from their own. They lose all sense of politeness and restraint, safe in the knowledge that they (5) _______ never be identified. 

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