Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
Nature photographer Joel Sartore is passionate about endangered species. He uses his  camera to make people aware of environmental problems. They tell the stories of animals that may disappear unless we work fast to save them.  Sartore’s latest project is called Photo Ark. The goal of the project is to make a photographic record of the world’s biodiversity. As Sartore says, “For many of Earth’s creatures, time is running out.”  When asked how he became interested in saving endangered species, Joel said “When I was a child, I read about Martha, the very last passenger pigeon. Martha died in 1914. I was shocked. In the past, there were 5 billion passenger pigeons – probably more than any other bird. But here was the last one, and there was no way to save it. How did we let this happen? I couldn’t understand it. I still feel the same way. I want to prevent this from ever happening again.” Photography is the best way to show problems to the world. It gets people to care about the problem. It’s not enough to just show pretty animals in a beautiful landscape. Now, we must show the threats to these animals as well. The good news is that there are many ways to publish stories and photographs on environmental issues. Self-publishing on the Web is one way to do this. Even nonprofessional photographers can help to make us aware of these problems
1. The best title of the passage can be “_________”.

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