Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
New technology helped cities grow. Elevated trains carried passengers over (1) ____ streets. In 1887, the first electric streetcar system opened in Richmond, Virginia. Ten years later, the nation’s first electric subway trains began running beneath the streets of Boston. Public transportation gave (2) ____ to suburbs, living areas on the outskirts of a city. People no longer had to live in cities to work in cities. Steel bridges also accelerated suburban growth. The Brooklyn Bridge, completed in 1883, (3) ____ the city center in Manhattan to outlying Brooklyn. As a result, New York City was able to spread out to house its growing population. Cities began to expand upward as well as outward. In 1885, architects in Chicago constructed the first 10-story building. People called it a “skyscraper” because its top seemed to touch the sky. By 1900, (4) ____ skyscrapers up to 30 stories high towered over cities. Electric elevators whisked office workers to the upper floors. As cities grew outward from their old downtown sections, living patterns changed. Many cities took on a similar shape. Poor families crowded (5) ____ the oldest sections at the city’s center. Middle-class people lived farther out in row houses or new apartment buildings. The rich built fine homes on the outskirts of the city.

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