Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
One thing adults, and especially parents, don’t always understand is that friendships  are a key part of teenagers’ lives. As young people grow up and become more independent, the more (1) ____ to spend time out with friends. One typical problem is when parents decide to move to a new area because of work. This can be a very upsetting (2) ____ for teenagers. They are bound to feel lonely and this is likely to make them miserable, too. It may take some time for them to develop new relationships, so parents should be patient. They should also try to be (3) ____ about how much time teenagers spend with their friends. It is natural for teenagers to want to be out when they can. If they hear only criticism of their behaviour, it is likely to lead to a lot of (4) ____. Encourage teenagers to develop friendships with people they have something in common with. And remember that (5) ____ is the best policy when it comes to talking to teens on any subjects at all, including their friendships.

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