Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
Orbis is an organization which helps blind people of everywhere. It has built an eye  hospital inside an airplane and (1)___________ it all over the world with an international medical team. Samantha Graham, a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl from England, went with the plane to Mongolia. Samantha tells the story of the Eukhtuul, a young Mongolian girl.  ‘Last year, when Eukhtuul was walking home from school, she was attacked by boys with sticks and her eyes were (2) _________ damaged. Dr. Duffey, an Orbis doctor, said that without an operation she would never see again. I thought about all the things I (3)________ that she couldn’t, things like reading schoolbooks, watching television, seeing friends, and I realized how lucky I am.’  ‘The Orbis team agreed to operate (4) ________ Eukhtuul and I was allowed to watch, together with some Mongolian medical students. I prayed the operation would be successful. The next day I waited nervously with Eukhtuul while Dr. Duffey removed her bandages. “In six months your sight will be back to (5)__________,” he said. Eukhtuul smiled, her mother cried, and I had to wipe away some tears, too!’  Now Eukhtuul wants to study hard to become a doctor. Her whole future has changed thanks to a simple operation. We should all think more about how much our sight means to us

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