Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
The annual mortality burden in the UK from exposure to outdoor air pollution is equivalent to around 40,000 deaths. To this can be (1) ____ further impacts from exposure to indoor air pollutants such as radon and second-hand smoke. The health problems resulting from exposure to air pollution also have a (2) ____ cost to society and business, our health services, and people who suffer from illness and premature death. In the UK, these costs add up to more than £20 billion every year. Vulnerable people are prisoners of air pollution, having to stay indoors and limit their (3) ____when pollution levels are high. This is not only unjust; it carries a cost to these individuals and the community from missed work and school, from more health problems (4) ____ lack of exercise, and from social isolation. Taking action will reduce pain, suffering and demands on the National Health Service (NHS), while (5) ____ people back to work, learning, and an active life. The value of these benefits far exceeds the cost of reducing emissions

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