Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
This French expansion can be traced back to Isle of France, or Ile-de-France, the  administrative region for Metropolitan Paris. It is often referred to as “the city of love” or “the city of lights”, now it can officially be called “Paris, the city of incredibly talented soccer players”.  In order to preserve the integrity of the international competition, FIFA tightened the rules on nationality and representation in 2004. The decision arrived amid a growing trend of so called “lesser” footballing nations naturalising players from a greater talent pool, typically from Brazil, to play for their national team. For example, Qatar offered citizenship to three Brazilians within a week having never lived or played football in the country, while Togo managed to naturalise five Brazilians for their national team. To prevent this, FIFA declared that any player wishing to represent a “new” nation must have a “clear connection” to it. A “clear connection”, according to FIFA, means that a player must have at least one parent or grandparent who were born in their newly chosen country.  The diversity of France, and Paris in particular, lends a hand to the range of national teams its citizens can represent. Along with many European migrants residing in Paris, France’s colonial history also means that a large proportion of African and Caribbean immigrants call Paris home. Famed French nationals Claude Makalele and Lilian Thuram both migrated with their families to Paris from Zaire and Guadeloupe respectively. By law, the French INSEE census does not collect data on religion or ethnicity so it is difficult to estimate the extent of diversity in the Ile-de-France region, but approximately 20% of its inhabitants were born abroad. One might conclude that an even larger percentage have at least one parent or grandparent who were part of the sizeable waves of immigrants arriving to Paris since WWI. These waves of migrations chiefly occurred in the late 19th century and up until WWI. It is unlikely that the current crop of footballers would have many feelings of nationalism toward the faraway countries of their grandparents. The advantage Paris has is that a vast majority of professional footballers may feel that their best opportunity to play for a national team would be with the country of their heritage. 
7. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?

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