Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
When you graduate from high school or university, is learning finished? The answer is no. In many countries, people continue learning all their lives. Why is lifelong learning important? How can it help you? Lifelong learning can be useful in many ways. People who want to change careers often return to study at a university. Some professions require employees to keep learning new ways to do things. For example, doctors and nurses must always learn about new illnesses and treatments. They must also practise the skills they have and keep learning new ones. Lifelong learning can help people stay healthy and independent. Many older people also feel that lifelong learning helps them stay close to young people. Lots of older people are now learning how to use computers. “I want to remain active … for my own health,” said Mr. Salinas, a 91-year-old man taking computer classes. “I see my computer learning as … part of an active life and something that I can share … with my family.”  
5. Which of the following might Mr. Salinas say?

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