Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to the questions by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. 
Chantal's parents didn't have much money, so they sent her to a state primary school when she was five. She enjoyed her reading and writing lessons, but there were so many pupils in the class that the teacher found it difficult to control them.
When Chantal was eleven, her father got a better job, and decided to spend some money on her education. He sent her to an expensive private school, where the girl wore dark green uniforms and did two hours' homework every evening.
Chantal liked her new school, and did well. Because she studied hard, she passed all her exams, and went to university at eighteen. She chose history course and was an excellent student. In the end she decided to become a teacher, and returned to her old primary school to teach.

It can be inferred from the passage that the state school is________than the private school.

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