The Great Wall stretches for 5,000 kilometres (i) _______ China from the East coast to the Gobi Desert. This biggest of all building projects was begun 2,000 years ago during the Qin Dynasty. Separately built walls were all joined up to form one huge line, supposedly to (ii) _______  any invading nomads. The project used thousands of workers, many of them prisoners.

Around 180 million cubic metres of earth were used to form the wall’s core. The wall was not particularly successful as a deterrent to invaders. However, it was very useful as a kind of ancient, elevated motorway. Men and equipment could be easily moved along the wall, through the previously (iii) _______, mountainous land. Also, a very useful communication system was developed between the different sections of the wall. Smoke signals were used to send messages quickly anywhere along the wall’s length. Now, the Great Wall is China’s most popular tourist attraction. It has suffered some decay and destruction over the centuries. Parts have been (iv) _______ by the wind and weather. Other sections have been destroyed by local peasants who carried off the materials to make their own homes. However, the wall is still an amazing sight, and a lasting monument to the ancient Chinese civilization that (v) _______ it.


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