Traditionally, spas were places which had a spring of mineral water, where people who were sick went to recover from an illness or (i) _____ a disease. Spas were developed by the (ii) _____ Romans, who built public bath houses over hot volcanic springs. Some Roman baths could accommodate up to 6,000 bathers, and had restaurants, sports centres, swimming pools, gardens and libraries. An extremely low entrance fee ensured the popularity of the baths. There was no fixed order in which the rooms were used. People might begin with a hard workout, before going to the Warm Room to relax, have a vigorous massage in olive oil and then (iii) _____ a good soak in a warm bath. Next, they could take a bath in the Hot Room, before cooling down the Cold Room. After that, they might (iv) _____ for a swim, read some poetry in the library, have a (v) _____ to eat, or talk about urgent matters of state in a private talk room


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