Transport plays an important role in our daily lives and in the quality of life in our city. Moreover, the individual decisions we make when we choose how to (38)_______our destination can have an impact (39) _____other people – longer traffic queues, worsening air quality, greater number of accidents and health problems. Providing more transport options will create a transport system that is safe, clean and fair.
Increasing use of the car has led to greater (40) ____ of the impact it has and the real cost to us – for our health, for the economy and for the environment. We want our city to become a successful, cosmopolitan city by the sea, (41) _______people can enjoy a high quality of life in a pleasant environment. To (42)_______this we need to make sure everyone has access to the services and facilities they need, through a choice of as many different means of transport as possible.


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