Đề thi giữa HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 7 CTST năm 2022-2023

Trường THCS Nguyễn Du

40 câu
45 phút
38 lượt thi
  • Read the text and answer the questions

    Getting a good night’s sleep

    Sleep is very important. It lets your body and mind rest after a busy day. Everyone has trouble sleeping sometimes. There are things you can do to help you sleep better. Think about what you drink in the afternoon and evening. Cola drinks can keep you awake. Don’t eat too much before bedtime and have at least an hour after dinner to let your food go down. Try to get some fresh air each day. You don’t have to do a sport every day. Just going outside is good.

    Try not to have your bedroom too hot or too cold. Put a nightlight on if you like to have some light. Try dark curtains if you don’t. Try to go to bed at the same time each day. This should be the same at weekends as well as on school nights.

    Have a warm bath or shower before bed to relax you. A milky drink could also help you sleep. Don’t watch the television or use a phone or tablet before bed. The light they give off can wake up your brain. Remember to go to the toilet before you go to bed.

    Câu 1:

    How often does everyone have trouble sleeping?

    A. always

    B. sometimes

    C. usually

    D. never

  • Câu 2:

    Which kind of drink is NOT good for sleeping?

    A. milky drinks

    B. water

    C. cola drinks

    D. all are correct

  • Câu 3:

    How does the writer say about food before bedtime?

    A. You can eat as much as you like.

    B. You shouldn’t eat too much.

    C. It is pleasant.

    D. Try to eat much.

  • Câu 4:

    The light from television or phone could __________.

    A. wake your brain up.

    B. help your brain sleep quickly.

    C. relax your body.

    D. make you better.

  • Câu 5:

    What is the main idea of the text?

    A. Give advice on how to sleep well

    B. Describe eating habit before bed

    C. Talk about the importance of light

    D. Oversleeping problems

  • Choose the word which has a different stress

    Câu 6:

    Choose the word which has a different stress: message, mobile, landline, Japan

    A. message

    B. mobile

    C. landline

    D. Japan

  • Câu 7:

    Choose the word which has a different stress: emoji, inventor, colorful, creative

    A. emoji

    B. inventor

    C. colorful

    D. creative

  • ZUNIA12
  • Câu 8:

    Choose the word which has a different stress: idea, poster, story, T-shirt

    A. idea

    B. poster

    C. story

    D. T-shirt

  • Câu 9:

    Choose the word which has a different stress: popular, creative, different, colorful

    A. popular

    B. creative

    C. different

    D. colorful

  • Câu 10:

    Choose the word which has a different stress: communicate, education, emoticon, development

    A. communicate

    B. education

    C. emoticon

    D. development

  • Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently

    Câu 11:

    Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently: chair, school, couchchildren

    A. chair

    B. school

    C. couch

    D. children

  • Câu 12:

    Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently: sometimes, moment, stove, close

    A. sometimes

    B. moment

    C. stove

    D. close

  • Câu 13:

    Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently: homework, house, hour, here

    A. homework

    B. house

    C. hour

    D. here

  • Câu 14:

    Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently: fun, unhappy, number, student

    A. fun

    B. unhappy

    C. number

    D. student

  • Câu 15:

    Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently: start, carrot, partner, party

    A. start

    B. carrot

    C. partner

    D. party

  • Choose the correct answers

    Câu 16:

    You need a _____ of recommendation for your job application.

    A. letter

    B. card

    C. mobile phone

    D. number

  • Câu 17:

    It is just as cheap to _____ at your local village store.

    A. go dancing

    B. watch TV

    C. listen to music

    D. go shopping

  • Câu 18:

    I'm _____ a birthday cake for Alex.

    A. doing

    B. watching

    C. baking

    D. getting

  • Câu 19:

    I’m tired today, so I just want to _____ in bed late.

    A. make

    B. stay

    C. blog

    D. get

  • Câu 20:

    With this important meeting, they need to have ____ conversations.

    A. landline

    B. video chat

    C. face-to-face

    D. phone

  • Câu 21:

    He ____ a circle in the sand with a stick.

    A. stayed

    B. drew

    C. went

    D. slept

  • Câu 22:

    Automated notifications will be sent via ____ or text message.

    A. email

    B. card

    C. symbol

    D. phone number

  • Câu 23:

    ____ are changing the way people communicate, work, and shop.

    A. Social media

    B. Letters

    C. Landlines

    D. All are correct

  • Câu 24:

    How often do you ______ a text message?

    A. give

    B. send

    C. call

    D. meet

  • Câu 25:

    My mum doesn’t _______ TV in my room.

    A. allow

    B. make

    C. let

    D. spend

  • Câu 26:

    He ______ the videos two times a year.

    A. makes

    B. costs

    C. collects

    D. bakes

  • Câu 27:

    _______ your sister like the trainers?

    A. Do

    B. Is

    C. Are

    D. Does

  • Câu 28:

    His friends usually ________ to music on his phone.

    A. listen

    B. listens

    C. to listen

    D. listening

  • Câu 29:

    _________ do you watch TV? – Well, just sometimes.

    A. Where

    B. When

    C. What

    D. How often

  • Câu 30:

    The man _______ a conversation on the phone now.

    A. have

    B. has

    C. is having

    D. are having

  • Câu 31:

    ________ painting the picture.

    A. Are the boy

    B. The boys are

    C. Is the boys

    D. The boys is

  • Câu 32:

    A man and a woman ______ on a bench.

    A. is sitting

    B. are sitting

    C. sits

    D. doesn’t sit

  • Câu 33:

    He usually use __ like emoticons and emojis in messages.

    A. letters

    B. messages

    C. symbols

    D. cards

  • Câu 34:

    Anna _________ Lucy an instant message.

    A. is sending

    B. is using

    C. are using

    D. are sending

  • Câu 35:

    What __________________ over there by the chair?

    A. is the cat doing

    B. the cat doing

    C. are the cat doing

    D. being the cat doing

  • Complete the following sentences using the cues given

    Câu 36:

    I/ work/ in/ bank/ ten years.

    A. I’ve worked in a bank since ten years.

    B. I’ve worked in a bank from ten years.

    C. I’ve worked in a bank for ten years.

    D. I'd worked in a bank for ten years.

  • Câu 37:

    She/ not watch/ TV/ yesterday.

    A. She not did watch TV yesterday.

    B. She didn’t watch TV yesterday.

    C. She wasn't watch TV yesterday.

    D. She didn’t watched TV yesterday.

  • Câu 38:

    My dad/ lot/ carved eggs.

    A. My dad is a lot of carved eggs.

    B. My dad have a lot of carved eggs.

    C. My dad has a lot carved eggs.

    D. My dad has a lot of carved eggs.

  • Câu 39:

    My sister/ enjoy/ read comics.

    A. My sister enjoy reading comics.

    B. My sister is enjoys reading comics.

    C. My sister enjoys reading comics.

    D. My sister enjoys read comics.

  • Câu 40:

    I/ not seen/ him/ 3 years.

    A. I hasn’t seen him for 3 years.

    B. I haven’t seen him since 3 years.

    C. I seen haven’t him for 3 years.

    D. I haven’t seen him for 3 years.