Đề thi giữa HK2 môn Tiếng Anh 7 CTST năm 2023-2024

Trường THCS Phạm Ngọc Thạch

40 câu
50 phút
17 lượt thi
  • Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced different from the others

    Câu 1:

    A. prepare

    B. physical 

    C. heritage

    D. geography

  • Câu 2:

    A. trip

    B. finger 

    C. physics 

    D. assignment

  • Câu 3:

    A. clothes

    B. assistant 

    C. surprise 

    D. spend

  • Câu 4:

    A. pocket

    B. bakery 

    C. shoppe

    D. centre

  • Câu 5:

    A. save 

    B. newsagent 

    C. wallet 

    D. invitation

  • Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

    Câu 6:

    Alan really wants to ____ an A. That’s why he studies chemistry everyday.

    A. have

    B. give 

    C. get 

    D. do

  • Câu 7:

    She really enjoys studying ____ because she loves competing in sports games and staying healthy.

    A. biology

    B. physics 

    C. mathematics 

    D. physical education

  • ZUNIA12
  • Câu 8:

    You should take a ____. You look so tired and exhausted.

    A. test  

    B. break 

    C. lesson 

    D. roll

  • Câu 9:

    An: “I’m having a serious stomach ache!”

    - Binh: “Wait! I will buy some medicines from the ____ for you.”

    A. bookshop

    B. pharmacy 

    C. bakery 

    D. shopping center

  • Câu 10:

    Her parents tell her to ____ money. But she doesn’t stop buying expensive things and ____ more.

    A. spends/save

    B. save/spending

    C. save/spend

    D. spend/saving

  • Câu 11:

    We ____ paint a lot of pictures when we were younger.

    A. used to

    B. should 

    C. are going to 

    D. mustn’t

  • Câu 12:

    I think you ____ bring an umbrella. It’s raining heavily outside.

    A. must 

    B. should 

    C. mustn’t 

    D. shouldn’t

  • Câu 13:

    Anna: “John, you ____ sleep early.”

    John: “Why mom?”

    Anna: “Don’t you remember? You ____ be at the airport at 6 o’clock in the morning tomorrow.”

    A. shouldn’t/should

    B. shouldn’t/must

    C. should/mustn’t 

    D. should/must

  • Câu 14:

    I ____ this pair of trainers when I was younger. But now I’m taller so I ____ it anymore.

    A. used to wear/used to wear

    B. wear/wear

    C. used to wear /did not were

    D. used to wear/do not wear

  • Câu 15:

    _________ the prices were high, many people still bought those pairs of shoes.

    A. Despite

    B. Although 

    C. Because 

    D. In spite of

  • Câu 16:

    Lan: “________ the movie was interesting, many people went to see it.”

    Dung: “That’s true! I can’t believe there were still so many fans there ____ the crowdedness.”

    A. Although/despite

    B. Because/despite

    C. Despite/although

    D. Because/although

  • Câu 17:

    Last week, we went on a field trip to learn about our city’s geographical __________.

    A. characters

    B. characteristics 

    C. characteristic 

    D. character

  • Câu 18:

    Hoa: I’m so thirsty. I think we __________ go buy some ice cream.

    Duy: I don’t think that is a good idea. We __________ stay with our classmates during the field trip.

    A. should/ must

    B. must/ should

    C. shouldn’t/ must 

    D. shouldn’t/ mustn’t

  • Câu 19:

    Vy really wants to __________ an A, so she spends all night preparing for the exam.

    A. get

    B. give 

    C. take 

    D. have

  • Câu 20:

    In today’s geography class, we learned how to __________.

    A. draw a map

    B. build a website

    C. do an experiment

    D. solve an equation

  • Câu 21:

    You look tired. I think you should __________ a break.

    A. do

    B. make 

    C. take 

    D. use

  • Câu 22:

    These comics were really cheap – I got them from the __________.

    A. greengrocer’s

    B. newsagent’s 

    C. bakery 

    D. butcher's

  • Câu 23:

    __________ you are rich, I doubt you are happy.

    A. Despite

    B. Although 

    C. In spite of

    D. But

  • Câu 24:

    Please get some chicken from the __________.

    A. pharmacy

    B. florist's 

    C. bakery 

    D. butcher's

  • Câu 25:

    The florist: Don’t forget your change. - Shopper: __________

    A. Oh, yes. Thanks very much.

    B. Where are the changing rooms?

    C. That’s very expensive!

    D. I like the blue one.

  • Câu 26:

    You shouldn't eat so many __________ of crisps! They're bad for you.

    A. packets

    B. boxes 

    C. pairs 

    D. jars

  • Read the passage and fill in the blanks

    Dong Xuan market

    Dong Xuan market is in the center of Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi. It is one of the oldest and largest (26)__________ in the area. If anyone wants to explore the city, Dong Xuan market will be a great choice. It was built in the 19th century by the French. This market has three storeys and covers about 9,600 square meters. Inside the market, there are many (27)__________ shops selling different clothes, footwear, drinks and even seafood. On the first floor, there is a wet market. You can buy meat from any (28)__________ in the place. You may find beautiful flowers in the florist’s and some vegetables in the local greengrocer’s. If you are looking for clothes and presents for your friends and family, you may want to go to the second floor. (29)__________ their low price, all the clothes, shoes and souvenirs in the market are of good quality. However, if you are a parent with young kids, you will love the third floor. There are a variety of colorful toys and games for children. You can also enjoy delicious street food in the (30)__________ in Dong Xuan alley. You will have a wonderful time here.

    Câu 27:

    A. markets 

    B. houses 

    C. bookshops 

    D. money

  • Câu 28:

    A. heavy

    B. local 

    C. light 

    D. dangerous

  • Câu 29:

    A. pharmacy 

    B. bakery 

    C. newsagent’s 

    D. butcher’s

  • Câu 30:

    A. Although

    B. However 

    C. Despite 

    D. In spite

  • Câu 31:

    A. food court

    B. wallet 

    C. greengrocer’s 

    D. pocket

  • Read the article and choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

    What we do at school

    Linda: At school, we have many activities. We study different subjects, such as maths, history and literature. We mustn’t use mobiles in class, but we can use them in our free time. During our information technology lesson, we build a website for our class, it is so fun! The teachers are all helpful and cheerful. At the moment, we are preparing for the exam next Friday. We have to do many assignments at home and at school. My favorite subject is history. I’m really into reading about past events. Although it is tiring, doing homework can be very interesting.

    Minh: I think I like physical education the most. I like playing basketball with my friends. I used to play football, but it is not as exciting as playing basketball. My best friend doesn’t like playing sports. He loves science, so he joins the school’s science club. Last month, they competed in a robot game. During our chemistry and physics lessons, we do experiments. I don’t like science subjects, I think I prefer painting pictures in art lessons because they are very relaxing. We wear uniforms on Monday every week. My uniform is beautiful, but I want to wear my casual clothes more. They make me feel comfortable. I’m a fan of T-shirts and blue jeans. My best friend loves them, too. We are going to the shopping center this afternoon to buy more clothes.

    Câu 32:

    At school, Linda can use her mobiles __________.

    A. in her class

    B. in the free time

    C. in the cafeteria

    D. in the website lesson

  • Câu 33:

    Linda will __________ next Friday.

    A. prepare for an exam

    B. do homework assignment

    C. have an exam

    D. read a history book

  • Câu 34:

    Minh’s favourite sport is __________.

    A. football

    B. basketball 

    C. baseball 

    D.  robot game

  • Câu 35:

    Minh doesn’t like __________.

    A. doing science experiments 

    B. painting pictures

    C. eating breakfast at school

    D. studying chemistry and physics

  • Câu 36:

    Wearing __________ makes Minh feel comfortable.

    A. shorts

    B. shirts 

    C. uniform 

    D. casual clothes

  • Choose the correct option.

    Câu 37:

    You (should/ must/ shouldn’t) spend too much time playing video games.

    A. should

    B. must

    C. shouldn’t

    D. All are correct.

  • Câu 38:

    You (must/ should/ shouldn’t) turn in your homework tomorrow.

    A. must

    B. should

    C. shouldn’t

    D. All are correct.

  • Câu 39:

    I think you (must/ shouldn’t/ should) do morning exercises and eat more vegetables in order to stay healthy.

    A. must

    B. shouldn’t

    C. should

    D. All are correct.

  • Câu 40:

    Chi is seeing / is going to see a film with Linh.

    A. seeing 

    B. is going to see 

    C. All are correct.

    D. All are wrong.