Đề thi HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 7 CTST năm 2022-2023

Trường THCS Chu Văn An

40 câu
45 phút
31 lượt thi
  • Choose the bold word that has a different stress pattern from the others

    Câu 1:

    ​Choose the bold word that has a different stress pattern from the others: alive, funny, tiny, awful

    A. alive

    B. funny

    C. tiny

    D. awful

  • Câu 2:

    ​Choose the bold word that has a different stress pattern from the others: dinosaur, unfriendly, personal, pyramid

    A. dinosaur

    B. unfriendly

    C. personal

    D. pyramid

  • Identify the underlines letters that are pronounced differently from the others

    Câu 3:

    Identify the underlines letters that are pronounced differently from the others: walks, steps, maps, wishes

    A. walks

    B. steps

    C. maps

    D. wishes

  • Câu 4:

    Identify the underlines letters that are pronounced differently from the others: signs, profits, becomes, survives

    A. signs

    B. profits

    C. becomes

    D. survives

  • Câu 5:

    Identify the underlines letters that are pronounced differently from the others: looked, phoned, travelled, opened

    A. looked

    B. phoned

    C. travelled

    D. opened

  • Câu 6:

    Identify the underlines letters that are pronounced differently from the others: decided, laughed, escaped, asked

    A. decided

    B. laughed

    C. escaped

    D. asked

  • Câu 7:

    Identify the underlines letters that are pronounced differently from the others: booked, travelled, looked, stopped

    A. booked

    B. travelled

    C. looked

    D. stopped

  • ZUNIA12
  • Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

    Câu 8:

    The singer felt extremely happy when her songs became _______.

    A. useful

    B. interesting

    C. unpopular

    D. popular

  • Câu 9:

    In the 12th century, only _____ European people could attend to a university.

    A. kind

    B. cruel

    C. rich

    D. poor

  • Câu 10:

    The Alexaner Graham Bell’s invention of telephone was _______. It changed completely the way people communicate with others.

    A. useful

    B. useless

    C. awful

    D. brave

  • Câu 11:

    The _______ of Vincent van Gogh’s paintings at the art gallery was brilliant. We love this experience!

    A. museum

    B. exhibit

    C. exhibiton

    D. collections

  • Câu 12:

    There are so many restaurants selling Vietnamese food in this city. We’re so proud that Vietnamese cuisine has become _________ to foreigners.

    A. terrible

    B. brilliant

    C. uncommon

    D. familiar

  • Câu 13:

    Remember to ______ ask for permission when you are about to take photos of other people.

    A. polite

    B. rude

    C. rudely

    D. politely

  • Câu 14:

    Taking photos of wild animals could be difficult because we need to ______ find a secret spot to place the camera.

    A. patient

    B. carefully

    C. careless

    D. comfortably

  • Câu 15:

    The zebra was ________ eating grass when we took this photo.

    A. creatively

    B. well

    C. comfortably

    D. badly

  • Câu 16:

    You need to be ______ with what you are working on. Trust the process!

    A. easy

    B. brave

    C. creative

    D. patient

  • Câu 17:

    I couldn’t find my jacket because it’s ______ the blanket.

    A. in front of

    B. on

    C. under

    D. above

  • Câu 18:

    A: How was your weekend?

    B: ____________________

    A. I played games.

    B. It is interesting.

    C. Not bad, thanks.

    D. I was at home on Thursday.

  • Câu 19:

    Jack ______ a great photo of his friend while she _______.

    A. takes - dances

    B. taking - dancing

    C. took - dancing

    D. took - was dancing

  • Câu 20:

    My sisters _________ TV when I ______ back home last night.

    A. were watching - came

    B. watching - came

    C. watches - comes

    D. watched - came

  • Câu 21:

    A: What an impressive photo! You’re so talented photographer!

    B: ___________________________

    A. Don’t mention that.

    B. It’s my pleasure!

    C. That’s really kind of you to say so.

    D. You’re kidding!

  • Câu 22:

    A: Did your brother win the first prize of that race?

    B: ___________ He didn’t even take part in.

    A. That’s really kind of you.

    B. Really?

    C. You’re kidding!

    D. That one’s brilliant!

  • Câu 23:

    Last year, the little girl _______ many models with ice-cream sticks.

    A. build

    B. built

    C. is building

    D. was building

  • Câu 24:

    At 10 p.m last night, my brother __________ with his teammates. He’s very busy!

    A. was working

    B. is working

    C. worked

    D. works

  • Câu 25:

    Although many people wanted to buy her toys, she _________ to sell them.

    A. don’t want

    B. wasn’t want

    C. didn’t wanted

    D. didn’t want

  • Câu 26:

    The tourist lost his camera while he  _____ around the city.

    A. walked

    B. is walking

    C. was walking

    D. walking

  • Câu 27:

    My friends were driving to work when they _____ the news on the radio.

    A. hear

    B. hears

    C. hearing

    D. heard

  • Câu 28:

    The woman ______ at the supermarket last Sunday.

    A. was

    B. were

    C. be

    D. is

  • Câu 29:

    In the past, _________ people couldn’t attend universities.

    A. cruel

    B. poor

    C. rich

    D. kind

  • Câu 30:

    My family members _________ happy with the film last night.

    A. were

    B. was

    C. be

    D. been

  • Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B or C

    Traditional Animation

    Movies and television shows made with traditional animation are also called cartoons. Teams of artists create them one picture at a time.

    Thousands of drawings are needed for only a few minutes of animation. Each drawing is a bit different from the one before it. For example, to show a character walking, the first drawing might show the character with both feet on the ground. The next drawing might show the knee with a tiny bend and the foot slightly off the ground. In the third drawing, the knee might be bent more and the foot might be a little farther off the ground, and so on.

    To save work and time, artists paint or draw the moving parts of a scene on sheets of clear plastic film. They place a drawing of the parts of the scene that do not move under the clear film. In this way they do not need to redraw the background in every picture.

    Then filmmakers use a special camera to take a picture of each drawing on its background. Each of these pictures is called a frame. The camera records the frames one after another on long strips of film. To make the images move smoothly, twenty-four frames are needed for every second of film.

    Filmmakers can also create animation with figures made of clay or other materials. Instead of drawing thousands of images, they take many photographs of figures set up in a scene. They move the figures slightly between each photograph.

    Câu 31:

    According to the text, a few minutes of animated movies are made from ________ of drawings.

    A. one

    B. some

    C. not so many

    D. thousands

  • Câu 32:

    The example mentioned in the text is about a character _________.

    A. drawing

    B. walking

    C. bending

    D. running

  • Câu 33:

    The artists might use _______ to save time and not to redraw the background.

    A. photos

    B. sheets of paper

    C. clear plastic film

    D. special camera

  • Câu 34:

    How many frames are needed for every second of film?

    A. 24

    B. 42

    C. 14

    D. 40

  • Câu 35:

    Another material to create animated characters  is _________.

    A. wool

    B. clay

    C. paper

    D. oil colours

  • Reorder the words to complete sentences

    Câu 36:

    last month / in / Peter and Tom / Were / travelling / Viet Nam ?

    A. Were Peter and Tom travelling in Viet Nam last month?

    B. Were Peter Tom travelling in Viet Nam and last month?

    C. Peter and Tom Were travelling in Viet Nam last month?

    D. Were Peter and Tom travelling last Viet Nam in month?

  • Câu 37:

    they / having / at 7:30 / Were / dinner ?

    A. Were they having at dinner 7:30?

    B. Were they having dinner at 7:30?

    C. Were they dinner having at 7:30?

    D. Were having dinner they at 7:30?

  • Câu 38:

    raining / It / when / Kate / was / came / home.

    A. It when was raining Kate came home.

    B. It raining when Kate came was home.

    C. It raining when Kate was came home.

    D. It was raining when Kate came home.

  • Câu 39:

    while / some / she / money / found/ walking / Jenny/ was / home.

    A. Jenny was found some money while she walking home.

    B. Jenny found money while she some was walking home.

    C. Jenny found some money while she was walking home.

    D. Jenny money found some while she was walking home.

  • Câu 40:

    looking / night / was / photo/ sister / this / for / His/ last.

    A. His sister was looking this photo for last night.

    B. His sister was looking for this photo last night.

    C. His sister was for this photo looking last night.

    D. His night was looking for this photo last sister.