Đề thi HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 7 CTST năm 2022-2023

Trường THCS Đoàn Thị Điểm

40 câu
45 phút
95 lượt thi
  • Read the text and answer the questions

    I’m speaking emojis!

    Sitting on the sofa, Anna is sending Lucy an instant message. But Anna isn’t using real words or writing real sentences. Like other young people, they’re communicating with small, colorful pictures – emojis.

    You can find creative emoji T-shirts, posters, videos, stories and songs. Emojis are everywhere, but where are they from and why are they so popular? The emoji inventor, Shigetaka Kurita, is from Japan, and ‘emoji’ in Japanese means picture (e) and letter (moji). Now over thousand emojis with different skin colours show people and ideas from many cultures, not only Japan. They are becoming a truly international language.

    Emojis and emoticons can show our feelings. When we aren’t speaking face-to-face, it’s important to see if a message is sad, silly, funny or happy. So emojis are useful, but they mostly add a bit of fun and colour to our lives. We really love them.

    Câu 1:

    What is Anna doing?

    A. writing an email

    B. sending a message

    C. talking on the phone

    D. cleaning the house

  • Câu 2:

    What are emojis?

    A. short words

    B. short sentences

    C. small, colorful pictures

    D. short holiday

  • Câu 3:

    Where can we find emojis?

    A. everywhere

    B. only on clothes

    C. in books

    D. on the face

  • Câu 4:

    Where are emojis from?

    A. the U.S.A

    B. England

    C. Vietnam

    D. Japan

  • Câu 5:

    Why are emojis so popular?

    A. They are small and colourful.

    B. They can show our feelings.

    C. They are very creative.

    D. They are nice.

  • Identify the underlined letters that are pronounced differently from the others

    Câu 6:

    Identify the underlined letters that are pronounced differently from the others: explored, looked, played, travelled

    A. explored

    B. looked

    C. played

    D. travelled

  • Câu 7:

    Identify the underlined letters that are pronounced differently from the others: sleeps, likes, works, plays

    A. sleeps

    B. likes

    C. works

    D. plays

  • ZUNIA12
  • Câu 8:

    Identify the underlined letters that are pronounced differently from the others: braver, baker, skating, many

    A. braver

    B. baker

    C. skating

    D. many

  • Identify the words whose main stresses are different from the others

    Câu 9:

    Identify the words whose main stresses are different from the others: common, awful, alive, boring

    A. common

    B. awful

    C. alive

    D. boring

  • Câu 10:

    Identify the words whose main stresses are different from the others: familiar, terrible, exciting, uncommon

    A. familiar

    B. terrible

    C. exciting

    D. uncommon

  • Câu 11:

    Identify the words whose main stresses are different from the others: emoji, inventor, colorful, creative

    A. emoji

    B. inventor

    C. colorful

    D. creative

  • Read the text and choose the best answers to complete the blanks

    Last Saturday I went to a football match with friends. We travelled by bus and the journey (12) _________ two hours. (13) _________ the way to the stadium, there was a traffic jam. We arrived late, so we did not have time for lunch. We just ate two loaves of bread and drank some lemon juice.

    After half an hour it started (14) _________. I did not have a coat so I got very wet. We still stayed there to clap for our team. However, our team did not play well. The lost 5-0. The other team played so (15) _________ with many good players.

    After the match, we took some photos with our team. (16) _________ they lost the game, we all loved them so much. We had a chance to get together in a small restaurant near the stadium. We all talked a lot and enjoyed a good meal. Anyway, we had a great time together! I really enjoy the day with friends and my team!

    Câu 12:

    (12) _________

    A. take

    B. takes

    C. taking

    D. took

  • Câu 13:

    (13) _________

    A. In

    B. On

    C. At

    D. Along

  • Câu 14:

    (14) _________

    A. rain

    B. rains

    C. to rain

    D. rained

  • Câu 15:

    (15) _________

    A. well

    B. good

    C. better

    D. best

  • Câu 16:

    (16) _________

    A. Because

    B. Although

    C. As

    D. After

  • Rewrite the following sentences with the given beginning in such a way that the meanings stay unchanged

    Câu 17:

    It is difficult to take photos of wild animals.

    A. It is not difficult to take photos of wild animals.

    B. It is not easy to take photos of wild animals.

    C. It is not difficult taking photos of wild animals.

    D. It is not easy to taking photos of wild animals.

  • Câu 18:

    Sportsmen usually move fast.

    A. Sportsmen don’t move usually slowly.

    B. Sportsmen usually move slowly.

    C. Sportsmen don’t usually move slow.

    D. Sportsmen don’t usually move slowly.

  • Câu 19:

    Photographers need to think creative ways to take good photos.

    A. Photographers thinks creatively to take good photos.

    B. Photographers think creatively to taking good photos.

    C. Photographers think creatively to take good photos.

    D. Photographers think creative to take good photos.

  • Câu 20:

    You need to wait for a long time.

    A. You need to be boring.

    B. You need to be strong.

    C. You need to be happy.

    D. You need to be patient.

  • Câu 21:

    Photographers also need to sit quietly.

    A. Photographers shouldn't find a quiet place to sit.

    B. Photographers should find a quiet place to sitting.

    C. Photographers should find a quiet place to sit.

    D. Photographers should find a quietly place to sit.

  • Choose the best option to complete the following sentence

    Câu 22:

    The clothes ______ expensive but comfortable.

    A. was

    B. were

    C. be

    D. being

  • Câu 23:

    William Wilberforce fought against _________ .

    A. galaxy

    B. slavery

    C. victory

    D. culture

  • Câu 24:

    The man _______ a conversation on the phone now.

    A. have

    B. has

    C. is having

    D. are having

  • Câu 25:

    He loves being ______ front of TV.

    A. in

    B. to

    C. from

    D. up

  • Câu 26:

    My parents do not _______ phones at dinner time.

    A. spend

    B. give

    C. allow

    D. take

  • Câu 27:

    _______ does your family eat together? - Twice a week.

    A. How long

    B. When

    C. How many

    D. How often

  • Câu 28:

    Now let’s go out. How about ________ into town?

    A. go

    B. to go

    C. went

    D. going

  • Câu 29:

    She ________ online in the evenings.

    A. do not go

    B. does not go

    C. are not going

    D. is not go

  • Câu 30:

    My dad often have face-to-face ______ with his friends.

    A. conversations

    B. phones

    C. landlines

    D. examples

  • Câu 31:

    Welcome ________ the show, Doctor Baker. 

    A. on

    B. in

    C. to

    D. at

  • Câu 32:

    _________ your hardest homework earlier in the evening.

    A. Make

    B. Do

    C. Take

    D. Clean

  • Câu 33:

    Thank you. It’s great _______ there. Let’s start with tip one.

    A. be

    B. am

    C. to be

    D. being

  • Câu 34:

    Turn ________ your mobile when you go to bed.

    A. on

    B. up

    C. off

    D. at

  • Câu 35:

    Play music ________ you like. But turn the sound down low. That is very useful advice for our young listeners.

    A. if

    B. because

    C. and

    D. or

  • Câu 36:

    More and more Vietnamese people are _________ in learning English.

    A. happy

    B. busy

    C. boring

    D. interested

  • Câu 37:

    My sister really likes to _______ photos on social media.

    A. copy

    B. post

    C. take

    D. clean

  • Câu 38:

    How often does your sister ______ a text message?

    A. spend

    B. give

    C. send

    D. do

  • Câu 39:

    The men often ____ dinner at 7 p.m.

    A. has

    B. have

    C. is having

    D. had

  • Câu 40:

    When he was a child, he ________ soccer with his friends.

    A. playing

    B. plays

    C. play

    D. played