It would fall (i) _______ the shoulders of the rulers of the Middle Kingdom to restore Egypt’s former glory and herald the beginning of the classical era. After a century of civil war, the southern warrior princes of Thebes defeated their northern rivals in Hcraklciopolis and were responsible for placing Egypt under one single ruler. Under the 11th Dynasty, Egypt’s capital was moved from Memphis to Thebes, while the local god Amun of Karnak gained significant status and (ii) _______ up replacing Ra as the main god. Pharaoh Mentuhotep (2008 – 1957 BC) continued the tradition of building royal and religious structures With the construction of a funerary temple in Thebes. (iii) _______  pharaohs kept strengthening the royal administration, reclaiming land for agricultural purposes and (iv) _______ art and classical literature. The energetic and capable Amcncmhct III established new trading routes by digging a canal to connect the Nile river with the Red Sea just as Senwosret III consolidated and expanded Egypt’s borders to include (v) _______ fertile territories as Nubia, Sudan and Canaan


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