Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
Dr. Daniel Quon has been an oral surgeon in Jackson for over 30 years. “Growing up  in the family business, I knew that in order for you to gain something, you have to give back,” Quon said. “And being in the field of dentistry, we have a special gift that we can help people and I thought that was an appropriate way to help out.”  Quon volunteers his dental services at the Jackson Free Health Clinic to patients who can’t afford it. Through the Mississippi Dental Association, Quon also provides free dental care for the Mission Service of Mercy program. Dental Assistant Carley Welch has been a part of this experience. “We actually did that last year together and we plan on doing that again this year together,” he said. “Best boss you can ask for,” Welch continued. “Very patient, always willing to teach you; even things that most people wouldn’t go very far to teach you, he will. Just so you have the experience.” But Quon serves in other ways too. “Wife and I volunteer at the Stewpot. We serve lunch on Saturdays when we can. I was actually on the board of Stewpot for 3 years until this passed year.” And he donates blood platelet at the Mississippi Blood services. “I’m almost up to 18 gallons right now in donations. That’s a lot of blood! still got a little bit left though.” “It takes very little time to volunteer. It’s a great thing where you can help someone who needs an extra hand or helping hand.” “I think he does his part to contribute as much as possible,” Welch added. “Whether it’s helping dental wise or even just in general with the public.” 
2. The word “oral” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______

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