Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
On April 3, 1972, a man came out of the Hilton hotel in Manhattan and started walking down the street. He stopped, (1)______ his hand with a strange object in it, put it to his ear and started to talk into it. This was the beginning of mobile phone (2)_______, more than 30 years ago. That man was Motorola’s project manager, Martin Cooper, who was (3)______ his 34th birthday that day. The strange object was the first mobile phone, which was nicknamed “the shoe” because of its unusual (4)_______. Mr. Cooper had gone to New York to introduce the new phone. The first call he made was to his rival, Joe Engel at AT&T’s research centre. Engel was responsible for the development of the radiophones for cars. “I called him and said that I was talking on a real mobile phone (5)_____ I was holding in my hand,” said Cooper. “I don’t remember what he said in reply, but I’m sure he wasn’t happy.” The quality of the call was very good, because although New York had only one base station at that time, it was being used by only one user – Martin Cooper.

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