Precision and uniformity of movement are two characteristics of step-dancing which most people recognize. And (i) _______ traditional step-dancing does not pennit the use of hands, some of the more modem versions allow it. Before the early 1900s, though, step-dancers often performed their synchronized movement while dancing with their hands on their hips. That trend has somewhat faded and now most step-dancing is done with the participants’ arms held firmly down to their sides and their hands made into a fist. The straight, clean lines of the body add to the impression (ii) _______ it is the intricacy of the foot work which is the most important aspect of the presentation. Chorus line dancing, which is another variation or type of line dancing, was an extremely popular way that dancing and elegance were included in movie productions for several years. Today fewer scenes of chorus lines (iii) _______ inmovies, but many movies with “Western” or “country” themes include modem forms of line dancing. Many people simply refer to the modem type of dancing as “line dancing” but (iv) _______ whether it has a special name, modem line dancing is usually associated with a country and western theme. With modem line dancing, there may only be one line or there can be several. Sometimes, when there is more than one line, the lines lace in the same direction with one line being in back of the other, but sometimes the lines face each other. This type of dancing docs not always require interaction between dancers, and the dancers often move independently from each other. But the beauty of this dance form permits interaction, like weaving in and out of different lines, if the dancers desire. And sometimes the dancers even may make contact with each other if clapping becomes part of their (v) _______.