Đề thi giữa HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 11 năm 2021-2022

Trường THPT Nguyễn Chí Thanh

40 câu
45 phút
47 lượt thi
  • Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences

    Câu 1:

    ________ is a family group with a close relationship among the members that includes not only parents and children but also uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc.  

    A. nuclear family

    B. blended family

    C. extended family

    D. stepfamily

  • Câu 2:

    Mothers often____________ themselves for their children.

    A. die

    B. devote

    C. sacrifice

    D. give

  • Câu 3:

    The behaviour that is considered correct while you are having a meal at a table with other people is called _________

    A. table set

    B. table laying

    C. table mat

    D. table manners

  • Câu 4:

    Someone who is opposed to great or sudden social changes and showing that she / he prefers traditional styles and values is a ________ person.

    A. enthusiastic

    B. conservative

    C. sympathetic

    D. unfriendly

  • Câu 5:

    Nam’s grandpa is __________. He is willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas.

    A. narrow-minded

    B. single-minded

    C. open-minded

    D. conservative

  • Câu 6:

    It will be _______ if you ask someone to do everything for you without paying them money.

    A. reasonable

    B. hospitable 

    C. fair

    D. unreasonable

  • Câu 7:

    She has a very close __________ with the monitor of our class.

    A. association

    B. relationship

    C. exchange

    D. classmate

  • ZUNIA12
  • Câu 8:

    His attitude _______ other people makes upsets me.

    A. on

    B. for

    C. with

    D. towards

  • Câu 9:

    Everyone’s asleep. We _____________ make a noise.

    A. couldn’t

    B. mustn’t

    C. needn’t

    D. wouldn’t

  • Câu 10:

    I’m quite happy to walk. You _____________drive me home.

    A. don’t

    B. haven’t

    C. mustn’t

    D. needn’t 

  • Câu 11:

    "How does Amy like her new school?" - "Fine. And she's doing ________ in her courses"

    A. very good

    B. extremely well

    C. extremely good

    D. very goodly

  • Câu 12:

    It’s late. I think we _____________ better go.

    A. had

    B. have

    C. should

    D. would

  • Câu 13:

    Getting involved in a romantic relationship doesn’t ___right for you now. You are too young.

    A. is

    B. get

    C. look

    D. seem

  • Câu 14:

    Turn off the air conditioner. It’s _____________too cold in here.

    A. feeling

    B. getting

    C. smelling

    D. seeming

  • Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest

    Câu 15:

    Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest: arrives, laughs, talks, wastes

    A. arrives

    B. laughs

    C. talks

    D. wastes

  • Câu 16:

    Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest: fished, mixed, dropped, combed

    A. fished

    B. mixed

    C. dropped

    D. combed

  • Câu 17:

    Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest: kissed, laughed, looked, loved

    A. kissed

    B. laughed

    C. looked

    D. loved

  • Câu 18:

    Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest: believes, dreams, girls, parents

    A. believes

    B. dreams

    C. girls

    D. parents

  • Câu 19:

    Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest: stopped, expected, finished, faced.

    A. stopped

    B. expected

    C. finished

    D. faced

  • Pick out a word which is stress on different position from the others

    Câu 20:

    Pick out a word which is stress on different position from the others: confide, realize, conserve, decide

    A. confide

    B. realize

    C. conserve

    D. decide

  • Câu 21:

    Pick out a word which is stress on different position from the others: friendship, classmate, belief, difference

    A. friendship

    B. classmate

    C. belief

    D. difference

  • Câu 22:

    Pick out a word which is stress on different position from the others: difficult, confident, critical, important.

    A. difficult

    B. confident

    C. critical

    D. important

  • Câu 23:

    Pick out a word which is stress on different position from the others: permission, well-informed, activity, effective

    A. permission

    B. well-informed

    C. activity

    D. effective

  • Câu 24:

    Pick out a word which is stress on different position from the others: astronomy, astronomer, astronomic, emergency

    A. astronomy

    B. astronomer

    C. astronomic

    D. emergency

  • Supply the correct form of words

    Câu 25:

    He wants to live_________________ of his parents. (depend)

    A. dependently

    B. dependent

    C. independently

    D. dependence

  • Câu 26:

    Finally, they found the best__________ to that problem. (solve)

    A. solving

    B. solve

    C. solution

    D. solves

  • Câu 27:

    I found the doctors quite _________________. (sympathy)

    A. sympathize

    B. sympathy

    C. sympathetically

    D. sympathetic

  • Câu 28:

    She always feels _______________ when living here because she likes it. (comfort)

    A. comfortably

    B. comfortable

    C. uncomfortable

    D. comfort

  • Câu 29:

    You’re getting quite _____________ in your old age! (romance)

    A. romantical

    B. romance

    C. roman

    D. romantic

  • Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box

    Parental disapproval of romantic relationships is very common, for a variety of reasons. You parents may have (30) ........... regarding whether or not you are truly ready to date or if the person you are interested in might not be a good influence. They may also not be ready to admit that their child gets close to (31) .......... If you’re dealing with this, try to discuss your (32) ........... calmly with your parents. Listen to them and be ready to follow some rules about relationship. If your parents forbid you from seeing the person, you should obey their (33) .............. . You can still see your boyfriend or girlfriend at school and remain friends. If you stay friends until after you graduate, you can start dating again since you’ll be old enough to make your own (34) ............ While this may be hard to accept at first, it will work out in the near future.

    Câu 30:

    (30) .............

    A. misunderstanding

    B. concerns

    C. wishes

    D. parents

  • Câu 31:

    (31) ..................

    A. adulthood

    B. feelings

    C. misunderstanding

    D. efforts

  • Câu 32:

    (32) ..................

    A. feelings

    B. wishes

    C. parents

    D. decisions

  • Câu 33:

    (33) ...................

    A. concerns

    B. parents

    C. wishes

    D. misunderstanding

  • Câu 34:

    (34) ................

    A. decisions

    B. feelings

    C. concerns

    D. wishes

  • Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question

    The nuclear family, consisting of a mother, father, and their children may be more an American ideal than an American reality. Of course, the so-called traditional American family was always more varied than we had been led to believe, reflecting the very different racial, ethnic, class, and religious customs among different American groups.

    The most recent government statistics reveal that only about one third of all current American families fit the traditional mold and another third consists of married couples who either have no children or have none still living at home. Of the final one third, about 20 percent of the total number of American households is single people, usually women over sixty-five years of age. A small percentage, about 3 percent of the total, consists of unmarried people who choose to live together; and the rest, about 7 percent, are single, usually divorced parents, with at least one child.

    Câu 35:

    What topic is the passage mainly concerned?

    A. The traditional American family

    B. The nuclear family.

    C. The ideal family.

    D. The current American family.

  • Câu 36:

    The writer implies that ........................ .

    A. there has always been a wide variety of family arrangements in the U.S

    B. racial, ethnic, and religious groups have preserved the traditional family structure.

    C. the ideal American is the best structure.

    D. fewer married couples are having children.

  • Câu 37:

    Who generally constitutes a one-person household?

    A. A single man in his twenties

    B. A single woman in her late sixties

    C. An elderly man

    D. A divorced woman

  • Câu 38:

    According to the passage, married couples whose children have grown or who have no children represent ............

    A. 7 percent of households

    B. 20 percent of households

    C. 33,3 percent of households

    D. 3 percent of households

  • Câu 39:

    The word “current” is closest in meaning to ...................

    A. present

    B. contemporary

    C. now

    D. modern

  • Câu 40:

    Of the final one third, about 20 percent of the total number of American households is single people, usually women over ........... years of age.

    A. sixty-seven

    B. sixty-five

    C. sixty-six

    D. sixty-four