800 câu trắc nghiệm Điền từ Tiếng Anh có đáp án cực hay

800 câu
98 lượt thi

Chọn hình thức trắc nghiệm (20 câu/60 phút)

Chọn phần

  • Câu 1:

    (1) ................

    There are many sources of pollution in our modern world. At present, the most severe sources are acid rain, car exhaust fumes and oil spills.

    Factory  chimneys give (1)     smoke that contains sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These gases combine with the moisture in the atmosphere to (2)     sulfuric acid and nitric acid. When it rains, these acids dissolve in the rain and turn it acidic. Acid rain is thought to be the worst pollution problem of all. It has (3)     aquatic life by turning many lake into lifeless bodies of water. In these areas, there is no limestone in the rocks to neutralize the acid rain naturally. One remedy is to pump limestone into the acidic lakes. (4)    , it is not possible to do this on a large enough scale to save all the lakes.

    Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are highly poisonous. In big cities, the exhaust fumes build (5)    and pose a health hazard to human beings.

    Pollution of the sea by oil threatens marine life. Much of the oil comes from ships that clean their fuel tanks while at sea. Offshore oil wells also discharge vast amounts of oil into the sea. Pollution of the sea can also be caused by oil spills. An oil spill may occur as a result of accidents involving oil tankers.

    A. from

    B. away

    C. over

    D. out

  • Câu 2:

    (2) ................

    There are many sources of pollution in our modern world. At present, the most severe sources are acid rain, car exhaust fumes and oil spills.

    Factory  chimneys give (1)     smoke that contains sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These gases combine with the moisture in the atmosphere to (2)     sulfuric acid and nitric acid. When it rains, these acids dissolve in the rain and turn it acidic. Acid rain is thought to be the worst pollution problem of all. It has (3)     aquatic life by turning many lake into lifeless bodies of water. In these areas, there is no limestone in the rocks to neutralize the acid rain naturally. One remedy is to pump limestone into the acidic lakes. (4)    , it is not possible to do this on a large enough scale to save all the lakes.

    Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are highly poisonous. In big cities, the exhaust fumes build (5)    and pose a health hazard to human beings.

    Pollution of the sea by oil threatens marine life. Much of the oil comes from ships that clean their fuel tanks while at sea. Offshore oil wells also discharge vast amounts of oil into the sea. Pollution of the sea can also be caused by oil spills. An oil spill may occur as a result of accidents involving oil tankers.

    A. forms

    B. form

    C. formed

    D. forming

  • Câu 3:

    (3) ................

    There are many sources of pollution in our modern world. At present, the most severe sources are acid rain, car exhaust fumes and oil spills.

    Factory  chimneys give (1)     smoke that contains sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These gases combine with the moisture in the atmosphere to (2)     sulfuric acid and nitric acid. When it rains, these acids dissolve in the rain and turn it acidic. Acid rain is thought to be the worst pollution problem of all. It has (3)     aquatic life by turning many lake into lifeless bodies of water. In these areas, there is no limestone in the rocks to neutralize the acid rain naturally. One remedy is to pump limestone into the acidic lakes. (4)    , it is not possible to do this on a large enough scale to save all the lakes.

    Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are highly poisonous. In big cities, the exhaust fumes build (5)    and pose a health hazard to human beings.

    Pollution of the sea by oil threatens marine life. Much of the oil comes from ships that clean their fuel tanks while at sea. Offshore oil wells also discharge vast amounts of oil into the sea. Pollution of the sea can also be caused by oil spills. An oil spill may occur as a result of accidents involving oil tankers.

    A. destroyed

    B. destroying

    C. harming

    D. harmed

  • Câu 4:

    (4) ................

    There are many sources of pollution in our modern world. At present, the most severe sources are acid rain, car exhaust fumes and oil spills.

    Factory  chimneys give (1)     smoke that contains sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These gases combine with the moisture in the atmosphere to (2)     sulfuric acid and nitric acid. When it rains, these acids dissolve in the rain and turn it acidic. Acid rain is thought to be the worst pollution problem of all. It has (3)     aquatic life by turning many lake into lifeless bodies of water. In these areas, there is no limestone in the rocks to neutralize the acid rain naturally. One remedy is to pump limestone into the acidic lakes. (4)    , it is not possible to do this on a large enough scale to save all the lakes.

    Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are highly poisonous. In big cities, the exhaust fumes build (5)    and pose a health hazard to human beings.

    Pollution of the sea by oil threatens marine life. Much of the oil comes from ships that clean their fuel tanks while at sea. Offshore oil wells also discharge vast amounts of oil into the sea. Pollution of the sea can also be caused by oil spills. An oil spill may occur as a result of accidents involving oil tankers.

    A. However

    B. Moreover

    C. So

    D. Because

  • Câu 5:

    (5) ................

    There are many sources of pollution in our modern world. At present, the most severe sources are acid rain, car exhaust fumes and oil spills.

    Factory  chimneys give (1)     smoke that contains sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These gases combine with the moisture in the atmosphere to (2)     sulfuric acid and nitric acid. When it rains, these acids dissolve in the rain and turn it acidic. Acid rain is thought to be the worst pollution problem of all. It has (3)     aquatic life by turning many lake into lifeless bodies of water. In these areas, there is no limestone in the rocks to neutralize the acid rain naturally. One remedy is to pump limestone into the acidic lakes. (4)    , it is not possible to do this on a large enough scale to save all the lakes.

    Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are highly poisonous. In big cities, the exhaust fumes build (5)    and pose a health hazard to human beings.

    Pollution of the sea by oil threatens marine life. Much of the oil comes from ships that clean their fuel tanks while at sea. Offshore oil wells also discharge vast amounts of oil into the sea. Pollution of the sea can also be caused by oil spills. An oil spill may occur as a result of accidents involving oil tankers.

    A. on

    B. in

    C. up

    D. over

  • Câu 6:

    (1) ................

    For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with what’s called a ‘gap year’. In common with many other British teenagers, he chose to take a year out before (1) to study for his degree. After doing

    various jobs to raise some money, he left home to gain some experience of life in different cultures, visiting America and Asia. The more adventurous the young person, the (2)   the challenge they are   likely to set themselves for the gap year, and for some, like Nigel, it can result in a thirst for adventure. Now that his university course  has (3)     to an end, Nigel is just about to leave on a three-year trip that will take him all around the world. What’s more, he plans to make the whole journey using only means of transport which are powered by natural energy. In other words, he’ll be (4)     mostly on bicycles and his own legs; and when there’s an ocean to cross, he won’t be taking a short cut by climbing aboard a plane, he’ll be joining the crew of a sailing ship instead. As well as doing some mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the way, Nigel hopes to (5)     on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behind the whole idea.

    A. settling down

    B. getting up

    C. taking over

    D. holding back

  • Câu 7:

    (2) ................

    For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with what’s called a ‘gap year’. In common with many other British teenagers, he chose to take a year out before (1) to study for his degree. After doing

    various jobs to raise some money, he left home to gain some experience of life in different cultures, visiting America and Asia. The more adventurous the young person, the (2)   the challenge they are   likely to set themselves for the gap year, and for some, like Nigel, it can result in a thirst for adventure. Now that his university course  has (3)     to an end, Nigel is just about to leave on a three-year trip that will take him all around the world. What’s more, he plans to make the whole journey using only means of transport which are powered by natural energy. In other words, he’ll be (4)     mostly on bicycles and his own legs; and when there’s an ocean to cross, he won’t be taking a short cut by climbing aboard a plane, he’ll be joining the crew of a sailing ship instead. As well as doing some mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the way, Nigel hopes to (5)     on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behind the whole idea.

    A. stronger

    B. wider

    C. greater

    D. deeper

  • ZUNIA12
  • Câu 8:

    (3) ................

    For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with what’s called a ‘gap year’. In common with many other British teenagers, he chose to take a year out before (1) to study for his degree. After doing

    various jobs to raise some money, he left home to gain some experience of life in different cultures, visiting America and Asia. The more adventurous the young person, the (2)   the challenge they are   likely to set themselves for the gap year, and for some, like Nigel, it can result in a thirst for adventure. Now that his university course  has (3)     to an end, Nigel is just about to leave on a three-year trip that will take him all around the world. What’s more, he plans to make the whole journey using only means of transport which are powered by natural energy. In other words, he’ll be (4)     mostly on bicycles and his own legs; and when there’s an ocean to cross, he won’t be taking a short cut by climbing aboard a plane, he’ll be joining the crew of a sailing ship instead. As well as doing some mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the way, Nigel hopes to (5)     on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behind the whole idea.

    A. come

    B. turned

    C. reached

    D. brought

  • Câu 9:

    (4) ................

    For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with what’s called a ‘gap year’. In common with many other British teenagers, he chose to take a year out before (1) to study for his degree. After doing

    various jobs to raise some money, he left home to gain some experience of life in different cultures, visiting America and Asia. The more adventurous the young person, the (2)   the challenge they are   likely to set themselves for the gap year, and for some, like Nigel, it can result in a thirst for adventure. Now that his university course  has (3)     to an end, Nigel is just about to leave on a three-year trip that will take him all around the world. What’s more, he plans to make the whole journey using only means of transport which are powered by natural energy. In other words, he’ll be (4)     mostly on bicycles and his own legs; and when there’s an ocean to cross, he won’t be taking a short cut by climbing aboard a plane, he’ll be joining the crew of a sailing ship instead. As well as doing some mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the way, Nigel hopes to (5)     on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behind the whole idea.

    A. relying

    B. using

    C. attempting

    D. trying

  • Câu 10:

    (5) ................

    For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with what’s called a ‘gap year’. In common with many other British teenagers, he chose to take a year out before (1) to study for his degree. After doing

    various jobs to raise some money, he left home to gain some experience of life in different cultures, visiting America and Asia. The more adventurous the young person, the (2)   the challenge they are   likely to set themselves for the gap year, and for some, like Nigel, it can result in a thirst for adventure. Now that his university course  has (3)     to an end, Nigel is just about to leave on a three-year trip that will take him all around the world. What’s more, he plans to make the whole journey using only means of transport which are powered by natural energy. In other words, he’ll be (4)     mostly on bicycles and his own legs; and when there’s an ocean to cross, he won’t be taking a short cut by climbing aboard a plane, he’ll be joining the crew of a sailing ship instead. As well as doing some mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the way, Nigel hopes to (5)     on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behind the whole idea.

    A. leave

    B. keep

    C. pass

    D. give

  • Câu 11:

    (1) ................

    Bonfire Night is (1)    all over Britain on November 5th. The festival dates from 1605 when a man called Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. He was caught and hanged, (2)     the other conspirators. Preparations for Bonfire Night usually start weeks before the event itself .Children go from house to house (3)     old furniture, newspapers and anything else which will burn for their bonfires. They make a “guy”, a figure which (4)     Guy Fawkes, from an old sack and wheel it round the streets asking for money which they use to buy fireworks. On the day itself, as soon as it is dark, the guy is put on top of bonfire, which is then lit. Fireworks are set off and everyone enjoys the display as they stand round the fire (5)     warm and eating baked potatoes and hot dogs.

    A. celebrated

    B. opened

    C. organizing

    D. held

  • Câu 12:

    (2) ................

    Bonfire Night is (1)    all over Britain on November 5th. The festival dates from 1605 when a man called Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. He was caught and hanged, (2)     the other conspirators. Preparations for Bonfire Night usually start weeks before the event itself .Children go from house to house (3)     old furniture, newspapers and anything else which will burn for their bonfires. They make a “guy”, a figure which (4)     Guy Fawkes, from an old sack and wheel it round the streets asking for money which they use to buy fireworks. On the day itself, as soon as it is dark, the guy is put on top of bonfire, which is then lit. Fireworks are set off and everyone enjoys the display as they stand round the fire (5)     warm and eating baked potatoes and hot dogs.

    A. related to

    B. together

    C. associated with

    D. along with

  • Câu 13:

    (3) ................

    Bonfire Night is (1)    all over Britain on November 5th. The festival dates from 1605 when a man called Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. He was caught and hanged, (2)     the other conspirators. Preparations for Bonfire Night usually start weeks before the event itself .Children go from house to house (3)     old furniture, newspapers and anything else which will burn for their bonfires. They make a “guy”, a figure which (4)     Guy Fawkes, from an old sack and wheel it round the streets asking for money which they use to buy fireworks. On the day itself, as soon as it is dark, the guy is put on top of bonfire, which is then lit. Fireworks are set off and everyone enjoys the display as they stand round the fire (5)     warm and eating baked potatoes and hot dogs.

    A. gathered

    B. collecting

    C. bringing

    D. carrying

  • Câu 14:

    (4) ................

    Bonfire Night is (1)    all over Britain on November 5th. The festival dates from 1605 when a man called Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. He was caught and hanged, (2)     the other conspirators. Preparations for Bonfire Night usually start weeks before the event itself .Children go from house to house (3)     old furniture, newspapers and anything else which will burn for their bonfires. They make a “guy”, a figure which (4)     Guy Fawkes, from an old sack and wheel it round the streets asking for money which they use to buy fireworks. On the day itself, as soon as it is dark, the guy is put on top of bonfire, which is then lit. Fireworks are set off and everyone enjoys the display as they stand round the fire (5)     warm and eating baked potatoes and hot dogs.

    A. symbolizes

    B. signals

    C. represents

    D. resembles

  • Câu 15:

    (5) ................

    Bonfire Night is (1)    all over Britain on November 5th. The festival dates from 1605 when a man called Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. He was caught and hanged, (2)     the other conspirators. Preparations for Bonfire Night usually start weeks before the event itself .Children go from house to house (3)     old furniture, newspapers and anything else which will burn for their bonfires. They make a “guy”, a figure which (4)     Guy Fawkes, from an old sack and wheel it round the streets asking for money which they use to buy fireworks. On the day itself, as soon as it is dark, the guy is put on top of bonfire, which is then lit. Fireworks are set off and everyone enjoys the display as they stand round the fire (5)     warm and eating baked potatoes and hot dogs.

    A. keeping

    B. remaining

    C. to stay

    D. to hold

  • Câu 16:

    (1) ................

    The growth of population has its problems as we shall see. As there are more and more mouths (1)  ,  there comes a great strain (2)    the resources of a country; this is real in the case of developing     countries with the result they are unable to push ahead economically. As food is not sufficient there is chronic malnutrition in these countries especially in women and children resulting in weaker population (3)   would only economically be a drain on the country as their productive years will be short. As    health and education are the State's (4)  ,  they  affect  the  country's  finances.  So  in  developing countries health and illiteracy continue to be the problem. The unwieldy growth of population leads to the problem of housing and sanitation. In many countries the slums are a (5)   to the eyes. Slums grow    round big cities and are found with all the drawbacks. These are the areas of disease, filth and crime.

    A. to be fed

    B. to feed

    C. for feeding

    D. fed

  • Câu 17:

    (2) ................

    The growth of population has its problems as we shall see. As there are more and more mouths (1)  ,  there comes a great strain (2)    the resources of a country; this is real in the case of developing     countries with the result they are unable to push ahead economically. As food is not sufficient there is chronic malnutrition in these countries especially in women and children resulting in weaker population (3)   would only economically be a drain on the country as their productive years will be short. As    health and education are the State's (4)  ,  they  affect  the  country's  finances.  So  in  developing countries health and illiteracy continue to be the problem. The unwieldy growth of population leads to the problem of housing and sanitation. In many countries the slums are a (5)   to the eyes. Slums grow    round big cities and are found with all the drawbacks. These are the areas of disease, filth and crime.

    A. to

    B. for

    C. down

    D. on

  • Câu 18:

    (3) ................

    The growth of population has its problems as we shall see. As there are more and more mouths (1)  ,  there comes a great strain (2)    the resources of a country; this is real in the case of developing     countries with the result they are unable to push ahead economically. As food is not sufficient there is chronic malnutrition in these countries especially in women and children resulting in weaker population (3)   would only economically be a drain on the country as their productive years will be short. As    health and education are the State's (4)  ,  they  affect  the  country's  finances.  So  in  developing countries health and illiteracy continue to be the problem. The unwieldy growth of population leads to the problem of housing and sanitation. In many countries the slums are a (5)   to the eyes. Slums grow    round big cities and are found with all the drawbacks. These are the areas of disease, filth and crime.

    A. which

    B. what

    C. who

    D. those

  • Câu 19:

    (4) ................

    The growth of population has its problems as we shall see. As there are more and more mouths (1)  ,  there comes a great strain (2)    the resources of a country; this is real in the case of developing     countries with the result they are unable to push ahead economically. As food is not sufficient there is chronic malnutrition in these countries especially in women and children resulting in weaker population (3)   would only economically be a drain on the country as their productive years will be short. As    health and education are the State's (4)  ,  they  affect  the  country's  finances.  So  in  developing countries health and illiteracy continue to be the problem. The unwieldy growth of population leads to the problem of housing and sanitation. In many countries the slums are a (5)   to the eyes. Slums grow    round big cities and are found with all the drawbacks. These are the areas of disease, filth and crime.

    A. problem

    B. job

    C. affair

    D. work

  • Câu 20:

    (5) ................

    The growth of population has its problems as we shall see. As there are more and more mouths (1)  ,  there comes a great strain (2)    the resources of a country; this is real in the case of developing     countries with the result they are unable to push ahead economically. As food is not sufficient there is chronic malnutrition in these countries especially in women and children resulting in weaker population (3)   would only economically be a drain on the country as their productive years will be short. As    health and education are the State's (4)  ,  they  affect  the  country's  finances.  So  in  developing countries health and illiteracy continue to be the problem. The unwieldy growth of population leads to the problem of housing and sanitation. In many countries the slums are a (5)   to the eyes. Slums grow    round big cities and are found with all the drawbacks. These are the areas of disease, filth and crime.

    A. pain

    B. sore

    C. hurt

    D. wound