800 câu trắc nghiệm Điền từ Tiếng Anh có đáp án cực hay

800 câu
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Chọn hình thức trắc nghiệm (20 câu/60 phút)

Chọn phần

  • Câu 1:

    (4) ..................

    You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you prepare relevant information about yourself. Think about how you want to present your (1)  , experiences, education, work style,  skills, and goals. Be prepared to supplement all your answers with examples that support the statements you make.

    It is also a good idea to review your resume with a critical eye and identify areas that an employer might see as limitations or want further information. Think about how you can answer difficult questions

    (2)         and positively, while keeping each answer brief. An interview gives the employer a (3)         to get to know you. While you do want to market yourself to the employer, answer each question with an honest response.

    Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors. Always think of something positive about an experience and talk about that. You should also be (4)    . If you    are genuinely interested in the job, let the interviewer know that.

    One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have researched the organization prior to the interview. You can also (5) interest by asking questions about the job, the organization, and its services and products.

    A. enthusiasm

    B. enthusiastic

    C. enthusiast

    D. enthusiastically

  • Câu 2:

    (5) ..................

    You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you prepare relevant information about yourself. Think about how you want to present your (1)  , experiences, education, work style,  skills, and goals. Be prepared to supplement all your answers with examples that support the statements you make.

    It is also a good idea to review your resume with a critical eye and identify areas that an employer might see as limitations or want further information. Think about how you can answer difficult questions

    (2)         and positively, while keeping each answer brief. An interview gives the employer a (3)         to get to know you. While you do want to market yourself to the employer, answer each question with an honest response.

    Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors. Always think of something positive about an experience and talk about that. You should also be (4)    . If you    are genuinely interested in the job, let the interviewer know that.

    One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have researched the organization prior to the interview. You can also (5) interest by asking questions about the job, the organization, and its services and products.

    A. show

    B. appear

    C. conceal

    D. cover

  • Câu 3:

    (1) ..................

    It is true that keeping fit will benefit a person’s health in many ways. It has become clear in recent years, that a large number of people are doing less and less exercise and this is now causing many serious illnesses, putting a strain on doctors and hospitals. However, some experts believe that too much exercise can do just as much (1)     .

    Although it is true that moderate exercise such as walking can be very beneficial to a person’s health, it is not the only one factor (2)     keeps us healthy. Diet is also extremely important and I would argue that it is probably even more important than exercise, although the ideal is for both of these factors to work together. It seems to me that many people are unwilling to put in the effort required to become fitter. 3)     , too much exercise can also cause problems. So people are urged to take moderate exercise and eat moderately healthily rather than embarking on extreme diets and training. In too many instances, ultra-fit people have had heart attacks or dropped down dead.

    In all, governments need to find ways  of (4)     people to take responsibility for their own health. People need to realize that eating healthy food does not have to cost a (5)    , nor is it difficult to prepare healthy meals themselves. People need to be better educated about their health.

    A. ruin

    B. destruction

    C. damage

    D. hurt

  • Câu 4:

    (2) ..................

    It is true that keeping fit will benefit a person’s health in many ways. It has become clear in recent years, that a large number of people are doing less and less exercise and this is now causing many serious illnesses, putting a strain on doctors and hospitals. However, some experts believe that too much exercise can do just as much (1)     .

    Although it is true that moderate exercise such as walking can be very beneficial to a person’s health, it is not the only one factor (2)     keeps us healthy. Diet is also extremely important and I would argue that it is probably even more important than exercise, although the ideal is for both of these factors to work together. It seems to me that many people are unwilling to put in the effort required to become fitter. 3)     , too much exercise can also cause problems. So people are urged to take moderate exercise and eat moderately healthily rather than embarking on extreme diets and training. In too many instances, ultra-fit people have had heart attacks or dropped down dead.

    In all, governments need to find ways  of (4)     people to take responsibility for their own health. People need to realize that eating healthy food does not have to cost a (5)    , nor is it difficult to prepare healthy meals themselves. People need to be better educated about their health.

    A. who

    B. when

    C. which

    D. what

  • Câu 5:

    (3) ..................

    It is true that keeping fit will benefit a person’s health in many ways. It has become clear in recent years, that a large number of people are doing less and less exercise and this is now causing many serious illnesses, putting a strain on doctors and hospitals. However, some experts believe that too much exercise can do just as much (1)     .

    Although it is true that moderate exercise such as walking can be very beneficial to a person’s health, it is not the only one factor (2)     keeps us healthy. Diet is also extremely important and I would argue that it is probably even more important than exercise, although the ideal is for both of these factors to work together. It seems to me that many people are unwilling to put in the effort required to become fitter. 3)     , too much exercise can also cause problems. So people are urged to take moderate exercise and eat moderately healthily rather than embarking on extreme diets and training. In too many instances, ultra-fit people have had heart attacks or dropped down dead.

    In all, governments need to find ways  of (4)     people to take responsibility for their own health. People need to realize that eating healthy food does not have to cost a (5)    , nor is it difficult to prepare healthy meals themselves. People need to be better educated about their health.

    A. For example

    B. However

    C. Therefore

    D. In fact

  • Câu 6:

    (4) ..................

    It is true that keeping fit will benefit a person’s health in many ways. It has become clear in recent years, that a large number of people are doing less and less exercise and this is now causing many serious illnesses, putting a strain on doctors and hospitals. However, some experts believe that too much exercise can do just as much (1)     .

    Although it is true that moderate exercise such as walking can be very beneficial to a person’s health, it is not the only one factor (2)     keeps us healthy. Diet is also extremely important and I would argue that it is probably even more important than exercise, although the ideal is for both of these factors to work together. It seems to me that many people are unwilling to put in the effort required to become fitter. 3)     , too much exercise can also cause problems. So people are urged to take moderate exercise and eat moderately healthily rather than embarking on extreme diets and training. In too many instances, ultra-fit people have had heart attacks or dropped down dead.

    In all, governments need to find ways  of (4)     people to take responsibility for their own health. People need to realize that eating healthy food does not have to cost a (5)    , nor is it difficult to prepare healthy meals themselves. People need to be better educated about their health.

    A. motivating

    B. motivational

    C. motivate

    D. motivation

  • Câu 7:

    (5) ..................

    It is true that keeping fit will benefit a person’s health in many ways. It has become clear in recent years, that a large number of people are doing less and less exercise and this is now causing many serious illnesses, putting a strain on doctors and hospitals. However, some experts believe that too much exercise can do just as much (1)     .

    Although it is true that moderate exercise such as walking can be very beneficial to a person’s health, it is not the only one factor (2)     keeps us healthy. Diet is also extremely important and I would argue that it is probably even more important than exercise, although the ideal is for both of these factors to work together. It seems to me that many people are unwilling to put in the effort required to become fitter. 3)     , too much exercise can also cause problems. So people are urged to take moderate exercise and eat moderately healthily rather than embarking on extreme diets and training. In too many instances, ultra-fit people have had heart attacks or dropped down dead.

    In all, governments need to find ways  of (4)     people to take responsibility for their own health. People need to realize that eating healthy food does not have to cost a (5)    , nor is it difficult to prepare healthy meals themselves. People need to be better educated about their health.

    A. benefit

    B. wealth

    C. treasure

    D. fortune

  • ZUNIA12
  • Câu 8:

    (1) ..................


    Clare Harrison rarely falls ill and hates going to the doctor’s when she does. So when she recently (1)     out in a painful rash down one side of her body she emailed her symptoms, (2)       also  included a (3)     fever, to e-doc, the internet medical service. Two hours later she was diagnosed as having shingles (Herpes Zoster) by her online doctor, who prescribed a special cleansing solution for the rash and analgesics to help relieve the pain.

    Health advice is now the second most popular topic that people search for on the internet, and online medical consultation is big business. Sites vary enormously in what they offer, with services ranging from the equivalent of a medical agony aunt to a live chat with a doctor via email. They are clearly (4)     a demand from people who are too busy or, in some cases, too embarrassed to discuss their medical (5)     with their GP.

    A. worked

    B. passed

    C. came

    D. ran

  • Câu 9:

    (2) ..................


    Clare Harrison rarely falls ill and hates going to the doctor’s when she does. So when she recently (1)     out in a painful rash down one side of her body she emailed her symptoms, (2)       also  included a (3)     fever, to e-doc, the internet medical service. Two hours later she was diagnosed as having shingles (Herpes Zoster) by her online doctor, who prescribed a special cleansing solution for the rash and analgesics to help relieve the pain.

    Health advice is now the second most popular topic that people search for on the internet, and online medical consultation is big business. Sites vary enormously in what they offer, with services ranging from the equivalent of a medical agony aunt to a live chat with a doctor via email. They are clearly (4)     a demand from people who are too busy or, in some cases, too embarrassed to discuss their medical (5)     with their GP.

    A. whose

    B. which

    C. who

    D. that

  • Câu 10:

    (3) ..................


    Clare Harrison rarely falls ill and hates going to the doctor’s when she does. So when she recently (1)     out in a painful rash down one side of her body she emailed her symptoms, (2)       also  included a (3)     fever, to e-doc, the internet medical service. Two hours later she was diagnosed as having shingles (Herpes Zoster) by her online doctor, who prescribed a special cleansing solution for the rash and analgesics to help relieve the pain.

    Health advice is now the second most popular topic that people search for on the internet, and online medical consultation is big business. Sites vary enormously in what they offer, with services ranging from the equivalent of a medical agony aunt to a live chat with a doctor via email. They are clearly (4)     a demand from people who are too busy or, in some cases, too embarrassed to discuss their medical (5)     with their GP.

    A.  small

    B. weak

    C. mild

    D. calm

  • Câu 11:

    (4) ..................


    Clare Harrison rarely falls ill and hates going to the doctor’s when she does. So when she recently (1)     out in a painful rash down one side of her body she emailed her symptoms, (2)       also  included a (3)     fever, to e-doc, the internet medical service. Two hours later she was diagnosed as having shingles (Herpes Zoster) by her online doctor, who prescribed a special cleansing solution for the rash and analgesics to help relieve the pain.

    Health advice is now the second most popular topic that people search for on the internet, and online medical consultation is big business. Sites vary enormously in what they offer, with services ranging from the equivalent of a medical agony aunt to a live chat with a doctor via email. They are clearly (4)     a demand from people who are too busy or, in some cases, too embarrassed to discuss their medical (5)     with their GP.

    A. serving

    B. meeting

    C. creating

    D. establishing

  • Câu 12:

    (5) ..................


    Clare Harrison rarely falls ill and hates going to the doctor’s when she does. So when she recently (1)     out in a painful rash down one side of her body she emailed her symptoms, (2)       also  included a (3)     fever, to e-doc, the internet medical service. Two hours later she was diagnosed as having shingles (Herpes Zoster) by her online doctor, who prescribed a special cleansing solution for the rash and analgesics to help relieve the pain.

    Health advice is now the second most popular topic that people search for on the internet, and online medical consultation is big business. Sites vary enormously in what they offer, with services ranging from the equivalent of a medical agony aunt to a live chat with a doctor via email. They are clearly (4)     a demand from people who are too busy or, in some cases, too embarrassed to discuss their medical (5)     with their GP.

    A. harm

    B. story

    C. hardship

    D. complaint

  • Câu 13:

    (1) ..................

    In many countries of Northern Europe, including Scandinavia, Finland, Northern Russia, and the Baltic states, ice swimming is closely connected with the tradition of sauna, (1)     has led to the creation of a new activity where stays in the sauna are (2)     with quick 'pauses' in ice water. In Russia, ice swimmers are called what can be literally translated as 'walruses '. The north of Europe, (3)     , is not the only place where winter swimming is practised regularly. A large ice swimming movement exists in the UK, based in a famous location: the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park in London. In Harbin, Northern China, about 200,000 people ice-swim in the Songhua River every winter. The oldest ice swimming club in the United States, the Coney Island Polar Bear Club of New York, organises an annual (4)     on New Year's Day. In Canada, 'Polar Bear Swims; 'Plunges' or 'Dips' are a New Year's Day tradition in (5)     communities as well, the biggest one taking place in Vancouver since 1920.

    A. who

    B. that

    C. where

    D. which

  • Câu 14:

    (2) ..................

    In many countries of Northern Europe, including Scandinavia, Finland, Northern Russia, and the Baltic states, ice swimming is closely connected with the tradition of sauna, (1)     has led to the creation of a new activity where stays in the sauna are (2)     with quick 'pauses' in ice water. In Russia, ice swimmers are called what can be literally translated as 'walruses '. The north of Europe, (3)     , is not the only place where winter swimming is practised regularly. A large ice swimming movement exists in the UK, based in a famous location: the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park in London. In Harbin, Northern China, about 200,000 people ice-swim in the Songhua River every winter. The oldest ice swimming club in the United States, the Coney Island Polar Bear Club of New York, organises an annual (4)     on New Year's Day. In Canada, 'Polar Bear Swims; 'Plunges' or 'Dips' are a New Year's Day tradition in (5)     communities as well, the biggest one taking place in Vancouver since 1920.

    A. interdependent

    B. intermingled

    C. interactive

    D. interrelated

  • Câu 15:

    (3) ..................

    In many countries of Northern Europe, including Scandinavia, Finland, Northern Russia, and the Baltic states, ice swimming is closely connected with the tradition of sauna, (1)     has led to the creation of a new activity where stays in the sauna are (2)     with quick 'pauses' in ice water. In Russia, ice swimmers are called what can be literally translated as 'walruses '. The north of Europe, (3)     , is not the only place where winter swimming is practised regularly. A large ice swimming movement exists in the UK, based in a famous location: the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park in London. In Harbin, Northern China, about 200,000 people ice-swim in the Songhua River every winter. The oldest ice swimming club in the United States, the Coney Island Polar Bear Club of New York, organises an annual (4)     on New Year's Day. In Canada, 'Polar Bear Swims; 'Plunges' or 'Dips' are a New Year's Day tradition in (5)     communities as well, the biggest one taking place in Vancouver since 1920.

    A. moreover

    B. therefore

    C. however

    D. otherwise

  • Câu 16:

    (4) ..................

    In many countries of Northern Europe, including Scandinavia, Finland, Northern Russia, and the Baltic states, ice swimming is closely connected with the tradition of sauna, (1)     has led to the creation of a new activity where stays in the sauna are (2)     with quick 'pauses' in ice water. In Russia, ice swimmers are called what can be literally translated as 'walruses '. The north of Europe, (3)     , is not the only place where winter swimming is practised regularly. A large ice swimming movement exists in the UK, based in a famous location: the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park in London. In Harbin, Northern China, about 200,000 people ice-swim in the Songhua River every winter. The oldest ice swimming club in the United States, the Coney Island Polar Bear Club of New York, organises an annual (4)     on New Year's Day. In Canada, 'Polar Bear Swims; 'Plunges' or 'Dips' are a New Year's Day tradition in (5)     communities as well, the biggest one taking place in Vancouver since 1920.

    A. plunge

    B. drainage

    C. withdrawal

    D. bathing

  • Câu 17:

    (5) ..................

    In many countries of Northern Europe, including Scandinavia, Finland, Northern Russia, and the Baltic states, ice swimming is closely connected with the tradition of sauna, (1)     has led to the creation of a new activity where stays in the sauna are (2)     with quick 'pauses' in ice water. In Russia, ice swimmers are called what can be literally translated as 'walruses '. The north of Europe, (3)     , is not the only place where winter swimming is practised regularly. A large ice swimming movement exists in the UK, based in a famous location: the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park in London. In Harbin, Northern China, about 200,000 people ice-swim in the Songhua River every winter. The oldest ice swimming club in the United States, the Coney Island Polar Bear Club of New York, organises an annual (4)     on New Year's Day. In Canada, 'Polar Bear Swims; 'Plunges' or 'Dips' are a New Year's Day tradition in (5)     communities as well, the biggest one taking place in Vancouver since 1920.

    A. numbering

    B. numerate

    C. numerable

    D. numerous

  • Câu 18:

    (1) ..................

    When hosting an Olympic Games, a country has to take account of several considerations, among which the financial one is by far the most important. The costs of hosting the Olympics can (1)        tens of billions of dollars, and it is commonplace for budgets to double or even triple. In addition to the direct costs of hosting the Games (the opening and closing ceremonies, athletes’ village, security, etc.,), cities often must build expensive new venues (2)    lesser-known sports. Once constructed, sports venues    often incur additional maintenance costs long after the Games have ended.

    While costs are the (3) concern for a host city, there are other factors to consider. For one, an Olympic host city may receive substantial revenue from ticket sales, tourist spending, corporate sponsorship, and television rights. Cities such as Los Angeles (1984) actually made a large profit from the Games they hosted. (4)   , hosting the Olympic Games confers prestige on a host city and country,    which can lead to increased trade and tourism. The Olympics are also an opportunity to invest in projects (5)     improve the city’s quality of life, such as new transportation systems.

    A. surmount

    B. overcharge

    C. exceed

    D. outnumber

  • Câu 19:

    (2) ..................

    When hosting an Olympic Games, a country has to take account of several considerations, among which the financial one is by far the most important. The costs of hosting the Olympics can (1)        tens of billions of dollars, and it is commonplace for budgets to double or even triple. In addition to the direct costs of hosting the Games (the opening and closing ceremonies, athletes’ village, security, etc.,), cities often must build expensive new venues (2)    lesser-known sports. Once constructed, sports venues    often incur additional maintenance costs long after the Games have ended.

    While costs are the (3) concern for a host city, there are other factors to consider. For one, an Olympic host city may receive substantial revenue from ticket sales, tourist spending, corporate sponsorship, and television rights. Cities such as Los Angeles (1984) actually made a large profit from the Games they hosted. (4)   , hosting the Olympic Games confers prestige on a host city and country,    which can lead to increased trade and tourism. The Olympics are also an opportunity to invest in projects (5)     improve the city’s quality of life, such as new transportation systems.

    A. on

    B. for

    C. in

    D. at

  • Câu 20:

    (3) ..................

    When hosting an Olympic Games, a country has to take account of several considerations, among which the financial one is by far the most important. The costs of hosting the Olympics can (1)        tens of billions of dollars, and it is commonplace for budgets to double or even triple. In addition to the direct costs of hosting the Games (the opening and closing ceremonies, athletes’ village, security, etc.,), cities often must build expensive new venues (2)    lesser-known sports. Once constructed, sports venues    often incur additional maintenance costs long after the Games have ended.

    While costs are the (3) concern for a host city, there are other factors to consider. For one, an Olympic host city may receive substantial revenue from ticket sales, tourist spending, corporate sponsorship, and television rights. Cities such as Los Angeles (1984) actually made a large profit from the Games they hosted. (4)   , hosting the Olympic Games confers prestige on a host city and country,    which can lead to increased trade and tourism. The Olympics are also an opportunity to invest in projects (5)     improve the city’s quality of life, such as new transportation systems.

    A. supplementary

    B. influential

    C. instrumental

    D. primary